Parents satisfaction!
Parents love our practical tips for themselves and their kids
Parents state being more protected and safe online after the training
Parents would recommend the training to another parent or colleague
Parents learn the must-list of safe cyber practices online, for themselves and to protect their children. Brief, practical, and useful!
Learn All you Need to Keep
your Family Safe
Increase Online Security by 90%
Engaging training for busy parents with practical tips to understand and reinforce the security of their devices and protect their information online.
Brief Training Easy
to Understand for ALL
We make the complicated language easy to understand for everyone. No technicalities, just actionable steps that we can all understand.
Do's and Don'ts Online
The best cyber practices for parents to make sure their data and their children’s data are safe.
How to Talk to Your Children
about the Online World
We provide concrete examples and good practices to guide parents: cyberbullying, texting, sexting, social media, do’s and don’ts online... all they need to know!
How to Protect All Your Devices
Learn the best antivirus, firewall, and must-know safety practices to protect your data, your pics, and your money.
Cyberbullying: What To Do
How to react in case your child is a victim of cyberbullying, where to find the right help, and how to communicate with your child.
Safety in Social Media
Safety practices to make sure social media remain a safe place away from scammers, hackers, and impostors.
Protecting your Data and Pictures
Learn how to protect your pics, data, money, and keep your private information private.
Creating Strong Passwords
Learn techniques to create strong and easy to remember passwords for all your devices.
Downloading Files Safely
Learn how to strengthen the security of your devices to download files safely.
Protecting Your Child's
Identity Online
Raising awareness of your digital footprint and protecting your public identity online.