By professors Venelin Terziev, Svilen Stefanov and V. Banabakova, Vasil Levski National Military University. Full tittle: Implementation of the Common European Security and Defence Policy in the Context of Its Military Aspects.
This paper examines the importance and specificities of the common European security and defence policy. The realization of the common European security requires the establishment of a joint European defence. The national security and defence strategies of EU member states are an expression of a concrete implementation of a pan-European policy vision in this area, refracted through the national features of each country. The common stance and purpose of the different countries presuppose cooperation and joint action in the fight against international terrorism, and by virtue of the tasks they perform, intelligence agencies are called upon to play a leading role in this fight.
1. Introduction
The situation in the world during the last few decades characterizes with dynamic transformation of international relations. There is a trend noticed, for crashing the model of the national state, which until recently was able to exist independently because the politics, business, security and even the culture are internationalizing, and each one of these spheres becomes much more dependent on outside factors. After the two-pole confrontation era, disintegration of multinational states started, a trend for strengthening the economic and political positions of significant number of states and their integration unions appears. The lack of stable statehood in some states and regions, the occurrence of energy and economic crisis, global terrorism and the weapons and drugs spreading led to crises and armed conflicts arising. An important feature of modern security environment is the integration of individual states and extension of the cooperation among them, with which they objectively keep their common interests in many international security issues, including counteraction to weapons for mass destruction spreading, regional conflicts prevention and regulation, international terrorism and drug dealing fight, sharp global-scale ecological problems solving, migration processes control.
The fast changing geopolitical situation and the necessity for managing all the threats and challenges outline clearly the actuality of the topic for establishing security on the European continent, necessity of multi-aspect cooperation, building structures in the field of security and introduction of a clause for common defence that unites the EU member states.
Object of the exposition is study of the EU national security and defence policy. Security is an important characteristic of modern society. Republic of Bulgaria is a state of centuries-long history and rich cultural traditions but also of unique strategic position in Europe, even appearing to be outside border for the European Union. The state’s security and particularly, its national security is a system of views for ensuring the security of the individual, of society and of the state from exterior and interior threats in all spheres of social life. National security includes ensuring favourable conditions for the state’s economic and social development, for global and regional stability preservation, protection of cultural, spiritual-moral, historical traditions.
Ensuring military safety appears to be a dignificant direction within the natunal security realization.
In many countries, including Bulgaria, the problem with the refugees and terrorism of cross-border that threaten world security intensified sharply. This preconditions the necessity of the whole international community’s uniting the efforts, enhancing the effectivity of the used forms and methods to fight that threat, the adoption of quick measures for its neutralization.
Subject of the present study is reviewing the significance and the specific characteristics of the Common European Security and Defence Policy. The common European security realization requires establishment of common European defence. The national security and defence strategies of the EU member states are expression of particular application of common European view for policy in this field in the light of the national characteristics of each one of the states. The common position and goal of the states suggest cooperation and joint activities in the fight against international terrorism, and according to the tasks they fulfil, the intelligence agencies are called to play leading role in that fight.
One of the important strategic directions of the Republic of Bulgaria’s military security appears to be the effective interaction and cooperation with the participating states in NATO and the EU. National security requires effective membership in NATO and the EU, and suggests active foreign policy of enhanced responsibilities at observing the principles and norms of international law, contribution to the international peace and security, integration and mutually beneficial collaboration, joint activities, union’s operations for stabilizing conflict regions around the world, contribution to the global fight against terrorism.
The contract for accepting Bulgaria into the European Union was signed on April 25th, 2005 and since January 1st, 2017 our country is a full member of the community.
Our membership is part of the process of extension of the European Union, which means spreading of the institutions of supranational governing and the socialization of the new states into the governing structures. This concerns also their foreign policies to a significant extent, which means also connecting the European extending with the European order and security.
Two notions – „security and integration”, can shortly express the meaning of the Common European Security and Defence Policy (CESDP) for Bulgaria. EU strives to establish zone of security, stability and prosperity in Europe. Integrating Bulgaria in the process of establishing a Common European defence is one of the aspects of our country’s common policy.
The shaping of Bulgaria’s policy for contributing to the Common European Security and Defence Policy (CESDP) is to be based on the understanding that this way the country’s positions regarding the processes of integration strengthen and it would allow taking more active participation in the establishing of stability and security zone in Europe.
The expose’s goal is to specify the exact role of CESDP in the realization of security and in the managing with all the threats. CESDP is a unique system for cooperation of the EU member states, but through preserving national interests in an environment of mutual dependence, systematic cooperation and development of pragmatic and mutually beneficial relationships.
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Suggested Citation: Terziev, Venelin and Stefanov, Svilen and Banabakova, Vanya, Implementattion of the Common European Security and Defence Policy in the Context of Its Military Aspect (October 15, 2018). Proceedings of ADVED 2018 - 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 15-17 October 2018 - Istanbul, Turkey; ISBN: 978-605-82433-4-7. Available at SSRN: